Thursday, June 25, 2009

Update- that is never ending yet there is light at the end of the tunnel

Hello again! In an economy that is so up and down it is very important to get your priorities in your own house hold on track. Along with society it is very acceptable to make excuses and blame all circumstances except yourself. This is true NO BS so it may hurt alittle bit.
“You are exactly who you are and what you are because of your beliefs and what actions you’ve taken along the road of hard knocks”

It took a lot of time and roughly two years to finally suck it up and look long and hard in the mirror at myself!


Throw all the excuses away. Go to the mirror and take a long hard look at yourself with a notebook and take some notes be totally honestly with yourself and tell us why you have been shafted in your past? Its OK to just let loose.
(I could charge a monthly fee for my book, newsletter and services and people WILL pay, but its important to find out exactly who you are this could take many months! And with that you will still have my book and my emails)
You can buy all the seminars, buy all the books, talk with all the great people, and tell lies of what you do! What business you run! What Network Marketing Company you’re a part of? What you actually own! But the truth is that you have to look at yourself in the mirror and better yet you must look at your kids and tell them who you are.

That’s why it took me around 2 years to discover who I actually was.. So let me tell you my excuses”

With the landscape changing drastically in the economy, it’s hard to see who you trust and who you don’t. Again- As I speak about it in my ebook about FEAR its simply – False Evidence Appearing Real. Yet there is a knee jerk reaction when it comes to your own money. (I understand, but also in my experience- you need to take control of your FEAR.

From my experience being a great Salesman in Insurance, Real Estate and Banking,my experiences of overseeing other salespeople in my industry is that the salesperson that does not let you sleep on the information is a bad rep. Plan and simple. Don’t get me wrong- Have I done this – YES- I believe that the product that I sell at the moment is the single best thing in their life and if and only after if they sleep on it and decide its bad. It’s still a great product…

BUT.. Here is where I was wrong.
If you push a product as a salesman, you should do the exact opposite of what I mentioned before! Give the customer an offer that they can’t refuse- but let them decide within 24-48 hours and then follow up. 9 times out of 10 its sold and not only is it sold to a very happy customer its sold to a customer that will stay with that company and will refer business over and over year after year.. To many times I see the sale in the Real estate business, Insurance Business and banking industry go for the quick profit but don’t understand the true value of the LONG TERM CLIENT.

What you don't see as a customer is the pressure from above pushing, pushing those numbers creating only 1 avenue for the rep. DO IT, or lose your job. If you become a member and purchase my book and all my extra products. There is the "Credit Landmine Prevention Audit" That outlines your personal finances so you stand face to face in the mirror with your finances! Along with the first 100 that order get the CLPA with an exclusive 1-1 with yours truly.

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